April 23rd is "Take a Chance Day"
I think it's great that we're given this nudge from the calendar. It's a reminder that we're still capable of great things ... or crazy things ... both, if we're lucky ... and we need to get out there and do those things.
From what I can tell this was a holiday that was started on the Internet and isn't official. ** BUT ** I don't care! I'm using "Take a Chance Day" to get over fears and try new things. I'm still deciding which big item I want to cross off my list. I'm thinking about trying rock climbing. I'm not a fan of heights and I'm not rock-climbing fit. But it looks amazing and I'd be so proud of myself if I accomplished it! (Inside, at a rock-climbing facility, with an instructor, and a safety harness. Let's not get too crazy!) What are you going to do?
If you're not sure what to do on "Take a Chance Day" ... here are some ideas to try! Try Goat YogaJoin a Networking GroupAsk For a RaiseTry a New Workout RoutineEnd Toxic RelationshipsTry Extreme Ironing
As you can see there are so many things to choose from! So, TODAY sit down and make a list of things you want to have done by or to do on "Take a Chance Day". Have your list narrowed down by April 1st and then know that you have 22 days to prepare and start making it happen!
I'm so excited! Comment below and let me know what you plan to do!
Spring cleaning. Sounds like a boring, over-used topic. But it isn't, well, it isn't if you do it right! Cleaning up BORING marketing ideasTo get started, let's sweep out last year's ideas of "spring cleaning" so we can focus on creating your own, unique version. Think, think, think ... how can you play off the topic of "spring cleaning" for your business? Offer tips to help your customers clean up an area of their life ... any area of their life that has nothing to do with closets and junk. Get creative! Think about ...
(Hint, hint.) Of course whichever topic you choose will align with your business and your customers will need at least one of your products or services to complete the "cleaning" process. Go Live With Your IdeasYou've probably heard a million times that video is BIG on Facebook right now and you absolutely NEED to start using their Live Video function for your business. It's true. And now is the perfect time! Gather up your tips and solutions and turn that camera on. Nervous? Just remember that when your audience watches live video they are doing it because they want to experience what's happening WITH YOU in real time. They aren't watching just for entertainment, they aren't going to be judging you if you stumble over words. You can drop things and pick them back up. You can forget things and start over. Your audience LOVES that kind of stuff! Because guess what, it shows that you're authentic and real and that makes you endearing and trustworthy. Don't let your nerves stop you. I promise you won't regret it! Host a GiveawayCreate a giveaway around your "spring cleaning" idea and promote it via social media, email, text message, on your website ... everywhere! You can give away a product or service. Or you can give away a free gift when a customer buys your product or service. Maybe they'd like a free bottle of wine to enjoy after they're done "cleaning up" an area of their life. Maybe someone can win a free upgrade in services for the month to help them finish their "cleaning". You get the point! Make it fun and promote it everywhere! Need help?If you're not sure where to start, then start with me! I will help you map out a plan ... and even better, I can just do it for you! Let's talk! Email me: [email protected].
AuthorFirst, I'm the mother of three crazy, sassy, sarcastic, hilarious children. Second, I work in the world of social media, email, digital marketing. Third, I'll probably try to tell you what to do. Archives
December 2024