Post These Quotes On Social MediaIf you're following my free monthly posting plan then you're probably looking for some quotes about the new year to post on social media. Here are a few to get started with. Enjoy! “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” - Oprah Winfrey “Celebrate what you want to see more of." - Tom Peters "Ring out the false, ring in the true." - Alfred Lord Tennyson
The holiday season is sooooo busy! Those holiday parties tho! Planning, attending, recovering, and starting over again. It feels like it'll never stop (and maybe – just a little bit – we don't want it to). BUT, no matter how busy we are, we STILL have to continue posting on social media (you know, so we can keep our jobs). So what are you going to post toward the end of December after the parties are over, but you're still recovering from a hangover??? I think I can help … For a few years I’ve been implementing an “ICYMI” strategy for posting at the end of year and early January. It keeps my head above water from mid-December to end-January when my life is crazy hectic. I don’t have to research articles and find new ideas. I have EVERYTHING I need already in front of me and I can plan out 6 weeks worth of content in one day. First thing’s first. Juuuuust in case you missed it, “ICYMI” means “in case you missed it”. So, the whole idea is to go back through your year and find top posts (by click-through rate, by RIO, by engagement, etc.) and make a list of them. You’ll need to look at your social post reporting, site traffic from your social posts, etc. to find out what your top posts are. Next, start scanning through your list to see how you can spin these “old” posts into “new” posts. Here are some ideas …
I know. It does seem like a no-brainer once you think it about. It is a very easy concept. And it’s guaranteed to make your holidays a little less hectic from now on! Happy Holidays!! Happy New Year!!!
As always, let me know if you need any help! Email me to get started. The holidays are stressful. Buying gifts, hosting and attending parties, scrambling to get projects done at work, you name it! Well, it's time for you to SAVE THE DAY by offering a holiday-themed giveaway! Everyone loves free stuff! Swoop in with a fun little game and giveaway to keep your audience smiling. Spreading joy is what the holiday season is all about! 🎅🏿Holiday-themed giveaway This so fun! Here are two ideas you can use: 1. Post a holiday song lyric & ask your audience to guess which song it's from. 2. Post a picture from a holiday movie scene and ask your audience to guess which movie it's from. The first person to comment with the correct answer is the winner! Increase reach and engagement with an animated gif! Animated gifs are like video in social posts, your audience is more likely to stop scrolling and watch for a while. Take advantage of that stopping power! 🔎Where to find holiday animated gifsIf you're new to posting gifs, I recommend you search for them on I did a search for "Christmas movies" and found this one. I was even able to download the type of file I needed (it has a "social" option. Easy!) 🎁What to give awayThis doesn't have to be expensive or cut into your profits! Choose product or service samples. Or $5 or $10 gift cards. Anything to show some holiday spirit and give your audience a break from the stressful holidays.
AuthorFirst, I'm the mother of three crazy, sassy, sarcastic, hilarious children. Second, I work in the world of social media, email, digital marketing. Third, I'll probably try to tell you what to do. Archives
December 2024